Traditional Media

Best practices, creative solutions and strategy for optimizing traditional media programs from the minds of GLC.

5 Tips for Creating Compelling CTAs

In the world of content marketing, all aspects of a story are important. The headline draws reader in, the introduction sets the scene and the body surprises and delights. But there’s one final piece that’s often overlooked and underestimated: the call to action, or CTA. As their name suggests, CTAs…


6 Tips to Beat Rising Paper and Postage Costs

For many associations, the value of print publications is undeniable. It’s also undeniable that magazines are facing an uphill battle with rising costs of paper and postage. So how can associations save this primary member benefit, which is an important revenue source and a crucial medium for though…


5 Questions to Ask Before Pulling the Plug on Your Association Magazine

No doubt the pandemic, inflation and the push for digitization have all made associations rethink their approach to marketing communications. This puts into question all legacy programs, including flagship publications, a once-venerated communications asset that has come under fire recently as produ…


Publishing During a Pandemic

Samir Husni, aka “Mr. Magazine”™, is the director of the Magazine Innovation Center at the University of Mississippi, School of Journalism, and the country’s leading authority on magazines, according to FORBES. Recently, Mr. Magazine virtually sat down with GLC President and CEO, John Cimba,…


For the Millionth Time, Print isn’t Dead

You’ve probably read countless obituaries for the medium of print. As life becomes more accessible on digital devices, content consumers, too, often read on phones, computers and other screens, but readers haven’t abandoned print in the digital age. Rather, they’re turning to books, magazines and ot…


Diverse Content is King

Creating content that appeals to a diverse audience is not just a question of being fair or equitable; it actually makes good business sense. According to the U.S. Census, more than 50 percent of the American population is expected to be composed of minority groups by the year 2042. Your customers l…


Nine Signs It’s Time for a Publication Redesign

There’s a whole host of reasons to invest in a redesign of your magazine. Maybe your readers have grown apathetic toward it. Perhaps its look and feel have grown stale and outdated. Or maybe you just need something new and fresh to get you out of your current publishing rut. The latest research from…


Turn Your Publishing Expertise Into Content Marketing Magic

“Content marketing” is fast becoming a buzzword and losing some of its clarity along the way. That’s unfortunate, because it’s worthy of your notice. It isn’t something that only big-budget brands are doing. And it’s not just for marketers, either. As a publisher, you are exceptionally well position…


Wheel of Magazine Impressions

Impressions Here at GLC, the Design Department recently played its own round of Wheel of Impressions. Except the choices weren’t random and, instead of impersonating celebrities, we did our best impressions of other magazine designs. Here’s how it worked: each designe…


Print to Digital? Plan Early and Often

Print Magazine

At GLC, most of our clients produce integrated, multi-channel marketing communications programs. Often these include a flagship print component such as a magazine or newsletter, and supporting digital components, like a responsive website, tablet application, or e-newsletter. With these types of pro…