
Best practices for laying the foundation of a successful marketing program from the minds of GLC.

Content Taxonomy: Tips for Organizing

Is your online content organized? If not, you could be losing your audience from the start. Great content may draw them to your website or blog, but if they’re unsure where to go next, chances are they won’t think twice about clicking out. Creating a content taxonomy can solve your organizational wo…


Print to Digital? Plan Early and Often

Print Magazine

At GLC, most of our clients produce integrated, multi-channel marketing communications programs. Often these include a flagship print component such as a magazine or newsletter, and supporting digital components, like a responsive website, tablet application, or e-newsletter. With these types of pro…


Content Marketing Vs. Advertising

Times Square

According to research conducted by the CMO Club and IBM, today’s chief marketing officers are rethinking how to best allocate spending within their marketing budgets. Among its takeaways, the research suggests: 1.) that a once-predominate focus on customer acquisition is shifting toward customer ret…


Does Your Brand Belong on Instagram?


This year alone, Instagram grew from 300 million users to 400 million, surpassing the audience of Twitter. Coincidentally—or perhaps not—Instagram also opened its doors to all marketers in October. For the past two years, Instagram has invited only select brands to advertise on its platform. If you…


Why Hospitals Need A Content Strategy Now More Than Ever


For the past four years, the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) defined content marketing as “the creation and distribution of educational and/or compelling content in multiple media formats to attract and/or retain customers.” But, says the Institute, content marketing has matured into a formal busi…


The Fake War: Print vs. Digital


Here’s what you know: People are exposed to digital content more than ever. About 92,000 new articles are published online every day, according to publishing analytics-software provider Chartbeat. Here’s what you think you know: As a result, print is dying. But this simply isn’t true. In reality, pr…