The 3 Best Social Platforms for Reposting Your Content

illustration of three arms holding up trophies

Reposting your content on multiple platforms increases your exposure and engagement. You may be creating posts for social media channels like Facebook and Twitter with links to the original content, which is important. But you could be doing even more.

There are three social platforms that offer big benefits for posting your blog or website content on them in full, rather than just teasing your content and linking back.

1. Facebook

While posting links to your content on Facebook can increase engagement, adding Instant Articles to your social strategy can provide an even bigger boost.

Instant Articles, Facebook’s native publishing platform, allows you to post your content as HTML documents. You can customize them with visuals, branding, interactive features and calls to action. According to Facebook, Instant Articles are optimized for fast mobile performance, with loading times that are 4.9 times faster than mobile web. Facebook also claims that users open 52% more articles published on the native platform versus via a web link.

How to Use Facebook Instant Articles for Reposting Your Content

To post content as an Instant Article, first post it elsewhere online, such as on your blog or website. You also need to sign up for Instant Articles through Creator Studio, confirm your eligibility, then claim your domain. From there, you can set up article styling and submit your feed for review.

If you use WordPress or another publishing tool, Facebook has an integration that can streamline the process of creating Instant Articles.

2. Medium

Another place to publish content for more exposure is Medium. Medium is a self-proclaimed “open platform where over 100 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking.” And with nearly half of its traffic coming from organic search results, if your content is optimized for search, you have an even better chance at increased views.

Reposting Your Content Using Medium

To post on Medium, just insert text, images, tags and calls to action as you would on your own content management system. You can also see how long your content will take someone to read. And while both short- and long-form pieces have their place on Medium, the sweet spot is about a 7-minute read. Similar to Facebook, users can react to your content—though with claps instead of likes. The more claps your content receives, the more likely that Medium will recommend it to more readers.

3. LinkedIn

It might seem strange to post something other than job-related happenings on LinkedIn, but more and more content marketers are utilizing LinkedIn to share their content for a couple reasons. LinkedIn users’ profiles are transparent, making it easier to target your audience. And LinkedIn content is rated higher for legitimacy and trust than other social platforms. The more readers trust that your content isn’t fake news, the more likely they will take it seriously and follow you or follow up on your call to action.

LinkedIn has its own section for posting articles (and entire enewsletters), called LinkedIn Pulse, which uses an interface like Medium’s for publishing. These articles show up in LinkedIn users’ feeds, on your profile page, as well as in Google search results. They also have more sharing options than regular LinkedIn posts. Not only can users share them in messages and via their feeds, they can also share articles directly to Facebook and Twitter.

How to Use LinkedIn for Reposting Your Content

Begin the same way you would when creating a traditional post, but click the “write article” button from your LinkedIn feed. LinkedIn users prefer long-form content, between 1,900 to 2,000 words, as well as lists and tutorials. It’s also a good idea to use multiple headings and images in your LinkedIn articles for better performance.

Optimize Before Reposting Your Content on Social

Content originally published in print is rarely ready to go straight from the printed page to the web page. Any content you post online should be optimized for search. Be sure to include relevant internal and external links, rich media and keywords relevant to your business.

For more tips on promoting your content on social media, check out our blog.