Content Taxonomy: Tips for Organizing

Is your online content organized? If not, you could be losing your audience from the start. Great content may draw them to your website or blog, but if they’re unsure where to go next, chances are they won’t think twice about clicking out. Creating a content taxonomy can solve your organizational woes. Here are some tips on how to do it:
Choose your categories wisely
Content categories should be broad enough to support a handful of topics, yet clear and concise. Eliminate any confusing jargon that might sound irrelevant to your audience or alienate them. A practical way to choose categories is to have them mirror your site navigation.
Update each category regularly
You should be publishing content to each category on a regular basis. Unpopulated categories will look less important and your audience will question why they’re there in the first place. Your end goal should be publishing one piece of content to each category per day, so it’s also a good idea to limit categories to about five.
Keep topics under one category
Some topics and pieces of content might seem like they could fall under multiple categories, but it’s best to choose one. Cross-publishing can end up blurring the lines between categories, and you’ll be back to organizational chaos once again.