Associations: Uncover Your Hidden Content

It’s a common problem among associations: You don’t have the manpower or budget to create new content on a regular basis. Your blog sits dormant for sometimes months at a time. Your monthly e-newsletter has found itself on a bi-annual cadence. You get the picture.
The good news is that quality content can multiply, not divide. You’re likely doing something today that can be used to create useful content for your members tomorrow.
Here are three places to look for hidden content opportunities:
- Events
Events are chock-full of content prospects. When you host a conference, shoot speakers’ sessions — even if on a smart phone — and post them on your blog and social channels. Even better, share video in real time via Facebook Live or Instagram Stories.
When association leadership speak at events, turn their presentations into case studies of sorts on your website or in your magazine.
- Research
Whether it’s an annual member survey or commissioned research from a third party, you likely have access to some data of interest to your members. Pull out the most interesting stories from the data and turn them into infographics for your blog, e-newsletter or magazine.
No designer on hand? No problem. Text-based pieces can work as an alternative.
- Members
Solicit your members for new content:
- Invite select members to guest post on your blog or write a guest column for your magazine.
- Email your members with a question like, “How did you land in this profession?” Compile the most unique answers in a blog post or for use in your e-newsletter.
- Ask members to submit short “getting to know you” videos — who they are, what they like most about the profession and the like — and use on your social channels.
Partnering with your members for new content has dual benefits: It yields quality content for your association that your members will find interesting and valuable — and it provides extra value for the members being featured.
Where are the hidden content opportunities in your association?