GLC Employee Appreciation Nomination Please use this form to submit your nominee to your department supervisor. Step 1 of 3 33% Today's Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Your Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Nominees Department(Required) Content Design Digital Marketing Sales Administration Content Nominee(Required) Amy Bernstein Maggie Callahan Janet Liao Celosia Andrew Conner Cara Finnegan Jenna Grundtner Kathleen Hagan Megan Kramer Meredith Landry Michelle Markelz Scott Mason Matt Schur Myrna Traylor Tyra Triche Design Nominee(Required) Elissa Chamberlain Ivette Cortez Rick Cruz Donovan Foote Erick Kreienbrink Olivia Roszkowska Gretchen Rund Nariman Tahir Alex White Kathleen Wilson Digital Nominee(Required) Eric Kreienbrink Gregory Ledger Oscar Mata Marketing Nominee(Required) Michelle Markelz Katie Ward Sales Nominee(Required) Shannon Cummings Joe Stella Katie Ward Administration Nominee(Required) Scott Conner Paula Rosenberg Frey Jason Grey Michelle Jackson Scott Oldham Please rate the following:(Required)ExcellentGoodFairPoorExemplary PerformanceTeamworkDependabilityProfessionalismInnovationCustomer ServicePlease write a short review of your nominee:(Required)CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.