Content Marketing & COVID-19

How exactly has the COVID-19 pandemic affected content marketers and their business? This week the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) released its 11th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Insights for 2021The report includes insights into how content marketing programs and budgets have adapted since the pandemic hit. 

Highlights include:

  • 94% changed their content marketing strategy because of the pandemic.
  • 86% said their organization pivoted quickly with 80% feeling the changes were effective.
  • 86% expected some of the changes to stay in effect for the foreseeable future.
  • Of the 79% who have a content marketing strategy, 70% made major or moderate adjustments to their strategy due to the pandemic.
  • 70% changed their targeting/messaging strategy, while 64% adjusted their editorial calendars and/or 53% changed their content distribution and promotion strategy.
  • When asked to select the top five areas of content marketing they thought their companies would invest in during 2021, 70% said “content creation” and 66% said “website enhancements.”

For more, check out the full report


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